RLI’s A + Rated, Stand-Alone Personal Umbrella Policy
Has stood the test of time. You asked us to find ways to make our umbrella policy available to more of your customers.
And we listened.

RLI's Personal Umbrella Policy provides the coverage your customers need:
Excess UM/UIM available in all states
- Drivers of any age
- 20-21 year old drivers can have up to 1 incident
- Drivers with an international drivers license
- Up to 1 DWI/DUI per household
- Up to 6 moving violations and 3 at fault accidents per household
- Up to 10 autos (+25 antique autos) per household
- Up to 10 properties per household (5 can be rentals)
- Up to 5 non-U.S. properties per household
And be sure to check out the RLI PUP Access online system with an updated and improved E Signature process. Reduce your paperwork – online account magagement for you; applicants sign and pay online. Contact your RLI Program Adminstrator for set up and log-in information.

For More Information
Contact your Program Adinistrator or go to www.rlipersonalumbrella.com

Reassure Your Clients with The Right Protection
Get In Touch
Have a question? Feel free to contact us for a quick response.
Accounting 843-449-2491 ext. 224 • Claims Department 843-449-2491 ext. 233 •
Commercial Department 843-449-2491 ext. 236 • Underwriting Department: 843-449-2491 ext. 229